Lesson 2: Steamed Salmon fillet & seasonal vegetables with Kuwayaki BBQ sauce 

The theme of Lesson 2 : Eat salmon and get in the sun!

According to Dr. Tadashi Mitsuo specialized in anti-aging medicine, vitamin D is created in the skin during at least 20 minute-exposure in the sun. Salomon and so called blue-backed fish (青魚aozakana) such as sardine, horse mackerel, and Spanish mackerel are rich in vitamin D.

The effects of intake of vitamin D from fish and exposure to the sun:

1.     Suppresses inflammation of the body.

2.     Strengthens the bones.

3.  Maintains muscular strength.

4.  Prevention of depression and the improvement of the mental disease.

サーモンと季節野菜の蒸し煮 くわ焼きのたれ 木の芽

4 salmon fillets (deboned)

90 ml kuwayaki BBQ sauce

4 fresh shiitake mushrooms (cut stems off, substitute is any mushrooms available that you and your family like.)

8 green asparaguses

1 yellow bell pepper (remove seeds and cut into 1 cm width strips, I use boiled bamboo shoots as they are in season right now.)

konasansho powder as needed (If the fresh leaves of sansho, Japanese pepper tree are available, chop up and put on the steamed salmon.)

1.     Heat up a saucepan on medium heat, add 90 ml kuwayaki sauce and put in salmon on skin side down and reduce heat to low and cover.

2.     Keep simmering on low heat with a lid on for 3 minutes. Turn over salmon and put shiitake mushrooms, yellow bell pepper and green asparagus to steam cook. Keep simmering for 3 minutes with cover.

3.     Remove a lid and poke the fish with a fork to see if the fish is cooked or not. I showed you how during Cooking with Shuji Lesson 1 on Monday 20.

4.     If the inside of the fish is hot and cooked, flip over the fish and pour the thickened kuwayaki sauce over the meat side of the fish a few times to glaze.

5.     Plate the steamed fish and vegetables and pour over the thickened kuwayaki sauce and top with chopped sansho leaves or konasansho powder.

Steamed Salmon fillet with Kuwayaki BBQ sauce Shuji uses boiled bamboo shoots as right now in season in Japan.

Steamed Salmon fillet with Kuwayaki BBQ sauce Shuji uses boiled bamboo shoots as right now in season in Japan.