All food is cooked with rice in a rice cooker
Takikomi-Gohan with seared salmon fillet, potato wedges topped with new season ginkgo nuts
The new harvest rice is available in Japan. I would like to cook with the participants Taki komi-Gohan. There are a variety of ways to make this rice dish. You can add dashi stock, or without it and also chicken, beef, fish, vegetables, fish cakes, mushrooms, deep-fried tofu and the list goes on and on. And cook them with rice in a rice cooker as shown in the above photo. I think you could say that the Spanish version of Takikomi-Gohan is paella.
The upcoming online cooking class will be held at 6 pm Japan time on Saturday 29 January 2022.
Lesson fee: 2,500 yen per person or per family. Please make payment via PaPal by 27th January 2022.
Payment via PayPal:
I am looking forward to cooking with you and your family again this year.
Eat well and stay safe.
Shuji Ozeki
2 cups rice (washed, rinsed, drained)
2 salmon fillets
Vegetable oil as needed
1 potato (peeled, eyes-removed, cut into bite sizes)
14 ginkgo nuts (if available)
(A) 10g ginger (peeled, julienned), a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon sake, 5g kombu
20g butter
1. Cut the salmon filet into bite sizes and sear them on a frying pan with vegetable oil.
2. Cook rice in a rice cooker with 2 cups water, and all (A) into it and cook.
3. When the rice is cooked add butter to it, mix well and serve in rice bowls.
Chef’s Tip: When cooking rice with an ordinary saucepan or pot (preferably with the
heavy bottom), you need to drain the washed rice for 30 minutes and then soak it in water for 1 hour before cooking. This makes the boiled rice fluffy.
Green Beans with Miso-Walnut Sauce Serves 2
100g spinach, 2 tablespoons toasted walnuts, 1 teaspoon
miso paste, 2 tablespoons mirin
1. Blanch spinach in salted boiling water and dunk
into cold water and drain.
2. In a Japanese mortar called suribachi, grind toasted walnuts with a wooden pestle called surikogi, and add 1 teaspoon miso paste and mirin and mix well.
Miso soup with tomato, wakame and green onions Serves 2
3 cups ichiban dashi, miso as needed, 1 tomato (diced), 20g salted wakame (rinsed and cut into bite-size), green onions as needed (cut finely)
① Heat up 3 cups dashi stock to near-boil and reduce heat to low and add miso paste to your taste. Add the diced tomato and heat up near boil, but do not boil or you will lose the flavour of Ichiban dashi stock. Serve with wakame and chopped green onions.
Copyright 2022 Shuji Ozeki